Does it provide proof that death is no longer taboo, or are such euphemisms the victims of a modern contempt for flowery, imprecise language?
Even on some of the issues that are closest to his heart, he defaults to soft, imprecise language.
The novelist, moreover, has a tendency to use imprecise language that cries out for a blue pencil.
Dr. Agwunobi was among those who criticized the health profession's imprecise language in reporting test results.
Such imprecise language can cause problems as employees do not communicate clearly to each other, supervisors or other professionals.
I have prejudices against some things, certainly, Counselor, and imprecise language is one of them.
"She should have taken accusations of trite and imprecise language with dead seriousness," the biographer scolds.
I notice you don't address any of the substantive points I make, choosing rather to harp yet again on 'imprecise' language.
The document was assembled in just three weeks, "record time" said one official, who added that it included imprecise language on the Niger uranium reports.
I think it's a matter of imprecise language.