And yet the greatest problem is not even the loss of an entire culture, as much as the creation of a class of impoverished refugees.
But Houston must still worry about impoverished and hard-to-employ refugees who represent an enormous burden in health care, law enforcement and education costs.
Yet the vast majority of the new arrivals in Bossaso are like Mrs. Farah Jibril, impoverished refugees who face enormous hardships.
Many live as impoverished refugees in swollen cities.
Critics complain that little of the promised oil wealth has trickled down to the general population, which includes a million impoverished refugees, most from the war with Armenia.
The Revolution also brought a flood of impoverished Russian Jewish refugees to the neighborhood.
'Business Migration' Program It is part of a conscious policy by Australia to admit not just impoverished Vietnamese refugees but also the richest from across Asia.
One by one, the dazed and impoverished refugees climbed from the belly of the plane into this desolate wind-swept camp.
Tibetans are an energetic and resourceful people - witness all they have accomplished as impoverished refugees in India and Nepal.
This was no easy task; by the end of the war in 1783, the occupied town was bloated with some 30,000 people, most of them impoverished loyalist refugees.