Where will the country get the money, when it consistently fails to meet its obligations to an increasingly impoverished population?
The important thing is having a variety of services here for a predominantly impoverished population who might not otherwise get the health care.
The labor employs the impoverished local population, but the officials who facilitate the process primarily benefit.
The owners of the mine greatly exploited the impoverished population.
The 'classic approach' uses the poverty line to statistically determine the impoverished population.
The impoverished population is the most common victim of addiction to dangerous and illegal substances.
It has nothing of any stragegic value, oil, minerals but a hungry impoverished population.
But little of the money trickled down to the largely impoverished population of about eight million.
He also said they were demonstrating new strength to an impoverished population potentially ripe for change.
That is the lesson from every impoverished population in American history.