Even in the most impoverished parts of Africa, children will gigglingly cling to visitors' arms and legs, asking for money, sweets or a photograph.
They said he devoted his efforts to trying to make streets in Greenville, an impoverished part of the city, safe for children.
He didn't live in the most impoverished part of South Jamaica, Queens.
North-eastern Kenya is an impoverished part of the country, historically neglected by government in Nairobi.
He and his relatives hid in an impoverished, remote part of Guinea for five years, where there was little food.
Let us give special thought today to those people who have devoted their lives to helping the poor and needy in impoverished parts of the world.
This is Mexico's mightiest river," he added, and it runs through "an underdeveloped, impoverished part of the country.
Once both economically impoverished parts of the City, they have slowly experienced rehabilitation and rebuilding mainly helped by the new T line.
It was a decayed and impoverished part of town, noted for derelict people and buildings.
In this crowded, impoverished part of Palermo, where 300 people shared the water from a single faucet, hopes rarely rose beyond mere survival.