A number of these children, born to humble and impoverished parents, go to their graves with no attendant notice or outcry from the news media.
After being laid off and unable to support herself, the young woman said she decided to defect rather than become a burden on her impoverished parents.
Remember that the original aim of public schools was to provide an education to the able children of impoverished parents.
Pamela debates returning to her impoverished parents to preserve her innocence, but still can't decide.
The two had grown up in an orphanage after their impoverished parents' marriage failed and their father hanged himself.
Bride price has also been criticized for contributing to child trafficking, where impoverished parents sell their young daughters to rich older men.
Like other third-world countries, Mexico has long suffered from the problems of neglected or abandoned children whose impoverished parents cannot afford to care for them.
Most Americans, it is safe to say, have strong views about the system that supports impoverished single parents and their children.
The impoverished parents are more than happy to let the Asylum bear the full expenses of burial.
Yet enough did to encourage some impoverished parents to allow one or two of their sons to undergo this pre-pubescent mutilation.