The French Revolution is depicted as being led exclusively by the impoverished masses, while most revolutionary leaders were actually middle or upper-class citizens.
Very seldom does he mingle with those he calls "the teeming, impoverished masses."
Members of these churches formed co-operatives to help the impoverished masses.
Early Chinese visitors noted the hospitality of the islanders as well as the sharp economic divisions between the small upper class and the impoverished masses.
The region lacks infrastructure and the Indian government has done very little to alleviate the plight of the impoverished masses in those districts.
The warrior had seen firsthand how badly most of the impoverished masses of South America lived.
Bhutto and his government worked tirelessly to make significant social and economic reforms that did much to improve the life of Pakistan's impoverished masses.
Then, during the Depression, the dustbowls spat out their impoverished masses who arrived looking for work.
In November, all of the new teachers sent here to educate the impoverished masses went on strike for a week.
The following events reflected the struggle between political and economic elites and the impoverished masses.