The futuristic aspect borrows heavily from sci-fi books and films, most notably Blade Runner for its flying cars and impossibly dense tenements.
Master Norten favored Firesong with a sharp glare, as if he had caught Firesong being impossibly dense.
The vision was becoming impossibly dense.
A moonless world the size and mass of Earth should have unbreathable air, impossibly dense, worse than Venus.
Now the band shell loomed ahead to their right: empty and silent, festooned with impossibly dense graffiti, a haven for muggers.
As the helmsman spoke, the planet vanished abruptly from the screen, replaced by yet another view of the impossibly dense star field.
Gullible, inept and impossibly dense, he regularly shoots dozens of innocent bystanders and apprehends the wrong individuals-while the real criminals go free.
"Here," he said, jabbing at an impossibly dense little map, "down Acre Lane."
The entire globe, under an eighty-meter layer of ordinary rock, is covered with a skin of an impossibly dense metal or alloy.
The dim, late afternoon light, al- most forgotten behind the thunderclouds, made distances odd; the woods looked flat and impossibly dense.