David Hinckley of the Daily News describes Rudy as "impossibly cute" in this episode.
The boy, impossibly cute, looked up at me with liquid brown eyes.
One morning, I was having a Hong Kong reverie, watching the elderly shop owners assembling their fruit stalls, while clusters of impossibly cute schoolkids in white uniforms skipped by.
I stood there for a while gazing at the impossibly cute deer that were almost close enough to touch, thinking they must be pets of the owners.
The tees for tots - 'Preschool is cool' - are impossibly cute.
By 2 o'clock, when we were scheduled to leave, I was part of a hammock club sandwich, smooshed in-between elbows, feet and impossibly cute - but bawling - infants.
Sneak through its archway and you'll find an impossibly cute row of terraced houses, one of which bears a plaque commemorating Tennyson's four-year residence here.
Wandering the narrow, impossibly cute bridges and walkways, it's tough to keep envy in check as dog-walkers, surfers and grandmas pass by, enjoying their tranquil patch of paradise.
Clank's "awkward robot laugh" was described by Carlos McElfish of GameZone as "impossibly cute".
Two impossibly cute chicken tails are impaled on two parallel skewers ($2.50).