At midday, the sky can seem impossibly blue.
Soon the autostrada looped down toward Naples and the impossibly blue bay beyond.
The water was cool and she swam to where Thuro floated on his back, staring up at the impossibly blue sky.
Katherine's jewel-like eyes were liquid and impossibly blue, filled with an endless sorrow.
What she saw in the hot, impossibly blue eyes looking down at her made her hesitate.
We flew about an hour over the impossibly blue sea.
It was in absolute darkness, but for the dim glow of two impossibly blue eyes about twenty meters from the building access hatch.
Laclede's impossibly blue eyes smiled back at him from the phone's screen.
White, powdery beaches merge with the impossibly blue sea in the Seychelles.
His head hung over hers, his impossibly blue eyes twinkled.