Treating water like oil, Greenland legislators may impose royalties on bulk water exports or may favor operations that create jobs by bottling water locally.
Because Mr. Morales's followers toppled the two previous presidents and forced the authorities to impose heavy royalties on multinational companies exploiting natural gas, foreign investment has dried up: only $84 million worth of investment came into the country this year.
The producing provinces impose royalties and taxes on oil and natural gas production; provide drilling incentives; and grant permits and licenses to construct and operate facilities.
A similar bill, sponsored by Representative Nick J. Rahall 2d, Democrat of West Virginia, would not impose royalties.
The RIAA and music publishers, concerned that consumers' ability to make perfect digital copies of music would destroy the market for audio recordings, had threatened to sue companies and had lobbied Congress to pass legislation imposing mandatory copy protection technology and royalties on devices and media.
More than 25 online sites will stop broadcasting music this morning until late in the day to protest legislation that imposes royalties on music played on the Internet.
October 28, 1992 Digital Audio Home Recording Act required serial copy management systems in digital audio recorders and imposed royalties on sale of digital audio recording devices and media.
The moratorium does not stop mining on public land, but it preserves for a year the option of Congress to impose royalties for mining them.
A bill passed by the House would have imposed royalties and required "suitability" reviews to determine whether a mining project posed an environmental threat.