"Any attempt to impose one's way on others will go nowhere," the statement added.
The Democrats have the votes to impose their way.
It should be noted that Cage never sought to impose his way of composing on anyone else.
It's not the least important to me to impose my way of thinking on anyone else.
Like the Wari before them, the Incas imposed their way of life on the peoples they conquered.
The smaller, less-populated region feels the larger one is imposing its own, uncongenial way of life on it.
"The United States considers itself a model for the world, imposing its way of living and thinking on other nations," he said in 1994.
He has a very easygoing personality, but he didn't try to impose his way on anyone.
Do we have the right to impose our way of thinking on voters, or to tell them how they should approach the problem of sexuality and sexual minorities?
"He's not trying to impose his way on everybody."