A 2002 law imposes an annual quota on foreign workers but also allows the expulsion of undocumented aliens, or "clandestines."
He found that extreme amounts of forced overtime are imposed on Vietnamese workers.
As the name indicates, dirty, dangerous and demanding work can impose severe physical and mental costs on workers.
Employers are also restructuring workplace benefits to impose more risk on workers.
The statute imposes the same duty on certain other health care professionals, school officials and teachers, child care supervisors, and social workers.
"Why should employers get to impose their religious views on workers?"
By 1980, a less generous 25/55 pension had been imposed on new workers by the state legislature.
This would impose constraints on workers in their desire to switch employers, even though such changes would benefit not only themselves but also the destination country.
I recently found out that the German Government imposes extra taxes on workers from companies doing contract work there.
Much of the debate today centered on whether the bill would impose "compulsory unionism" on workers.