There is only one effective way to deter future bankruptcies: impose quick and painful losses on owners who misuse federally insured deposits.
Congress later reneged on that promise, imposing large losses on investors.
Over any finite period of time, a series of low probability events may occur that impose heavy short-term losses.
Through what economists now call "rent-seeking" they imposed deadweight losses on the economy.
The new legislation would give member states the power to impose losses, resulting from a bank failure, on the bondholders to minimize costs for taxpayers.
But future human rights crises will most likely not be as cost-free as Kosovo; they will require sacrifice and impose losses.
The measure is designed to give authorities more power to impose losses on banks they do not believe are performing.
Using his knowledge and the legal authority of the Central Bank, Franco imposed heavy losses on the speculators.
A deadly battle ensued, imposing heavy losses on both sides.
But in a prolonged bear market, it has imposed huge losses on both the banks and the companies, necessitating stock sales that then worsen the losses.