Florida, for example, imposed a tax on services, including advertising, three years ago.
They were imposing the death penalty for anything and everything, including too many traffic violations.
New Jersey officials also said more severe measures could be imposed, including the monitoring of home water use.
Harsh penalties are still being imposed, including frequent use of the death penalty.
The bill would have imposed the death penalty for some murders, including those of witnesses, police officers and prison guards.
New security measures were imposed at the doors, including the use of machines intended to detect explosives.
But the department could impose harsher penalties under its own regulations, including dismissals.
After 2002 - Heavy censorships were imposed, including real-name registration.
Most Virtuoso members also impose fees, including trip-planning charges that may range from $250 to $1,000 a trip.
Though rare, similar requirements have been imposed on other drugs, including thalidomide and certain narcotics used to relieve pain in cancer patients.