The remaining $13,000 or so that it received in 1997 came from fines imposed in earlier years that were paid after the board hired a collection agency, he said.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has said officers found to have driven drunk should be dismissed from the force, a sanction rarely imposed in recent years except when people were seriously injured.
This is because the government is imposing a 0.045 per cent levy on bank balance sheets this year and 0.075 per cent next year and in following years.
The recommendations call for the most severe discipline imposed at the C.I.A. in recent years.
But 20 states have imposed such limits on their legislatures in recent years.
That agreement fell apart in December when sugar companies sought guarantees that neither the Federal Government nor the states would impose other measures on them in years to come.
Although members of Congress continue to resist setting term limits for themselves, 20 states have imposed such restrictions on their legislatures in recent years.
Many of the restrictions imposed in recent years, particularly on Everest expeditions, have been aimed at limiting the amount of garbage that has accumulated on the mountains.
I welcome the initiative to ban exports of mercury because, despite the restrictions imposed in recent years, its use has not declined significantly.
Mr. Morris of A.E.P. said such support has persuaded him that limits might be imposed in coming years.