He would be expected to impose Western-style management, accountability and flexibility on the bank, making it a tough competitor to more traditional Japanese financial institutions.
Parents have abrogated their roles, and teachers/schools have no authority to impose accountability.
Salvadoran and Guatemalan democrats have failed to impose accountability on a murderous right.
He said he had imposed greater accountability for Mandeville House by creating a foundation.
Ideally, he would finally ask the Senate leadership to create a investigative committee with subpoena powers to impose accountability on high-ranking generals and civilian officials.
But he has imposed accountability and increased funding, and in terms of content, he's got a case to make.
The most important changes they seek concern imposing greater accountability on the armed forces and insuring access to independent international legal experts.
I also called for proposals from the Commission to reform the payment models and to impose accountability for misconduct.
However, the individual Commissioners have taken shelter behind the Commission as a whole, so it has not been possible to impose accountability on them.
Extended producer responsibility is meant to impose accountability over the entire lifecycle of products and packaging introduced to the market.