That this is an important variant of pluralist theory can be seen from Shils's outline of the network of elites supporting and governing his society.
Another important variant was the Yak-7/M-105PA.
The most important variant to the established printing system that came out of this period is the Gozanban (五山版, Five-mountain edition).
Terra preta presents important variants.
Together they were to form the essential background to the most important British variant of fascism.
The type 28A is an important and common variant - it is more common than the unmodified type 28.
An important variant on the Mark 1 design were the 44 Pullman vehicles built by Metropolitan-Cammell in 1960.
An important variant on traditional sonata-allegro form is found in the first movement of the Classical concerto.
Three clinically important variants are the p190, p210 and p230 isoforms.
An important variant on the request is the solicited requirement.