Every day, courts across the country hear thousands of cases and make important rulings.
In another important ruling yesterday, the court invalidated California's "blanket" primary.
While some important rulings could come in the next few days, an ultimate decision probably will not be issued for months.
In recent years, the Court has issued several important rulings expanding the rights of women in the work place.
Perhaps the most important ruling of the Wilentz court was a 1983 decision involving poor people and the suburbs.
The Supreme Court set the stage today for an important ruling on the use of race in jury selection.
He planned to handle the preliminary matters, then step aside long before the important rulings were due.
Institutions said they were surprised that no further effort was made to solicit opinions on such an important ruling, which took effect April 8.
The case, to be argued next fall, could produce the court's most important ruling on the death penalty in years.
The case could produce an important ruling on prisoners' rights.