The IADAS believes that global standards concerning privacy protection must be implemented and greater importance placed on educating consumers about privacy practices.
The importance of Frodo's task also places the heroic deeds of the warriors in true perspective.
Oh, isn't it terrible that Charlie speaks so wildly about his life, and the importance he places on himself?
Also places importance on fulfilling the personal goals of each employee.
It was the ultimate illustration of just how much importance both Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush placed on this event.
Procedures were streamlined, new technology was introduced, and the human resources function acquired new importance as the bank placed increased weight on customer service and product knowledge.
The importance of appropriation art in contemporary culture lay in its ability to fuse broad cultural images as a whole and place them toward narrower signs of personal interpretation.
The growing importance of the Internet in many companies' operations, for instance, has placed a premium on recovery systems that can get a business back in operation in minutes, rather than days.
Criticism usually follows, sometimes attacking the importance placed or not placed on particular data, and also on the importance of particular goals presented in the Overview.
The importance of IBM's large computer business placed strange pressures on all of IBM's attempts to develop other lines of business.