In the Roman period the city was plundered and its importance faded after the earthquakes of that region in the 1st century AD.
Their importance gradually faded away until the early 20th century as they proved unable to expand access and publicly owned utilities became stronger.
But its importance has faded with the passage of time and relatively limited to the religious aspect and the personal status.
While these societies continue as ways of socialising and passing on traditions, their power and importance faded in the 20th century.
Shortly after Fuller's death, her importance faded.
Since then, the importance of the club has faded.
Due to the Army scandal, Ayer began to struggle, and its importance gradually faded.
The importance of the hiatus faded as time passed.
When mining operations slowed down, Usakos' importance faded quickly.
The importance of Washington in shaping the economy has faded in recent years.