"He was beginning to think about importing narcotics," the informant said next.
Mr. Harris was among six men indicted by a Manhattan grand jury yesterday on charges of importing and distributing illegal narcotics, including Ecstasy, the drug with hallucinogenic properties that is popular at nightclubs.
In 1986, at the age of 25, he was imprisoned for less than three years of a nine-year sentence for conspiracy to import narcotics.
Richards was charged with importing narcotics into Canada, an offence that carried a minimum seven-year sentence.
On July 6, 1942, Santoro received six months to two years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiring to import narcotics from Mexico.
After 1925 Judah and Isaac both moved to San Francisco, where they were among the very first to import narcotics from Asia to the United States.
Kravitz disappeared from public view in 1937 after the arrest of Buchalter and 28 others on suspicion of importing narcotics.
"It's illegal to import narcotics," Mark B. McClellan, the F.D.A. commissioner, said in an interview.
Paul Lund, a British former career criminal and cigarette smuggler whom Burroughs met in Tangier, was arrested on suspicion of importing narcotics into France.
Smith was a multiple offender and had imported enough narcotics that is was not cruel and unusual to sentence him for over seven years.