Comoros continues to import most domestically consumed meat.
Importing raw meat to Iceland is strictly regulated and dependent on specific licenses issued to importers.
Second, English lords wouldn't have to import meat from so far away.
But most countries will not import meat or animals from countries where the disease occurs, and in today's cutthroat farming industry, "productivity is everything," Ms. Wood wrote.
In 1890 he joined William in his new business of importing refrigerated meat from Argentina.
In 1904, Dairy Farm began importing frozen meat and opened its first retail store at the Central District depot.
In comments today, Mr. Gordeyev said Russia should eventually stop importing meat altogether.
The measures that we are adopting within the European Union must also be respected in all those countries from which we import meat.
Second, penalties for importing illegal meat or fish are low and rarely imposed.
So it is not hard to imagine the consternation that greeted a recent piece of news: the country is now importing meat from Brazil.