The danger that any perceived differences might be used for evil - to imply superiority or inferiority for a particular racial group, for example - was simply too great.
Once we have ruled out the secular notion that authority implies superiority, we can then get it back into perspective as simply a necessary tool in executing responsibility.
For the sake of precision, the term "derived" is preferred to "advanced," a term which may inaccurately imply superiority.
We've all had the experience of feeling inferior when we don't understand a foreign language, but does comprehension then imply superiority?
Although the term does not necessarily imply superiority, many neoconservative and American conservative writers have promoted its use in that sense.
And so you must assure him that your actions reflect local custom; they do not imply cultural superiority and certainly not a personal criticism.
The word "natural" in our society has come to imply superiority and appropriateness.
Proponents of gender-neutral language argue that the use of gender-specific language often implies male superiority or reflects an unequal state of society.
These friendships imply superiority of one party over the other, which is why ancestors are honoured.
If you were neatly dressed and wide awake, you would inevitably be remarked among your fellows; such remark would imply superiority; and to be superior was supposedly to be undemocratic.