I nodded at the gathered magic-users, knowing I was avoiding Marcia's own implied question.
"I guess you could call it breaking the ice the most direct way," I said, shrugging at his implied question.
Yvette's reply to his implied question of how certain her information was convinced Pias.
The Mwangaza's eyes remain closed while the sleek-faced Dolphin fields the implied question.
In answer to his implied question why a video store manager needs a B.A., I would respond with two more questions.
But there's an implied question here-should the human race survive, here in the Palaeocene?
The Matriarch ignores the implied question, instead standing to signify that she has said what she will say.
But she didn't get an answer to her implied question.
Thomas was talking from his pessimistic place, but he couldn't resist the temptation to answer his own implied question.
She made no reference to his implied questions, and continued to speak in calm certainties.