The adoption of the Unio Trium Nationum, which implicitly excluded the Estate of Romanians, gave constitutional sanction to the end of the Universitas Valachorum.
Applying general principles of statutory construction, the Court reasoned that "Congress implicitly excluded a general discovery rule by explicitly including a more limited one."
The concept implicitly excludes certain assumptions or motivations that are considered improper as a basis for public decision making, even as a person may apply them in personal decisions that do not have a significant impact on the public.
The Moldovan referendum of 1994 for an independent Moldova was seen by many public figures to be aimed at implicitly excluding a union with Romania.
Agnes notes a similarity between the sisters that implicitly excludes her: "That quietness isn't quietness at all, it's a way of holding themselves above the ones who make all the real noise, like me."
This form was continued in 777 with language implicitly excluding papal suzerainty.
The type series are all those specimens included by the author in a taxon's formal description, unless the author explicitly or implicitly excludes them as part of the series.
The law "neither expressly nor implicitly excludes from its provisions grandparents of children who are part of an intact nuclear family," wrote Judge Richard D. Simons in a decision in which five of the six other judges on the court concurred.
Such targeted divestment implicitly excludes companies involved in agriculture, the production and distribution of consumer goods, or the provision of goods and services intended to relieve human suffering or to promote health, religious and spiritual activities, or education.
The "top leaders" of the republics - a term that implicitly excludes Mr. Gorbachev - insisted that embattled Lithuania and the other dissenting republics had the right to "independently decide" on acceding to whatever the new union treaty turns out to be.