The IAT has also been used in clinical psychology research to test the hypothesis that implicit associations may be a causal factor in the development of anxiety disorders.
Thus, encountering something which evokes the implicit associations of an experience or sensation that cannot be remembered may lead to déjà vu.
Some theorize that, because the practice favored the Christian day of worship, it also helped the church to avoid implicit association with the Jews.
Implicit attitudes can have a profound effect on decision making when automatic implicit associations are made in socially significant ways.
After all, that first unnerving pronouncement bespeaking "the new anti-Semitism," as it has been called, seethes with implicit associations to recent hate crimes.
According to this model, the experience of the positive mood enhances implicit attention to substance cues and implicit associations between reward and substance use.
The test, a series of word-pairing tasks, is intended to measure implicit or automatic associations to social groups.
To the extent that an individual has this dehumanizing implicit association, they are more likely to support violence against Black Americans (e.g., jury decisions to execute defendants.
Psychologists utilize semantic priming to reveal implicit associations between stereotypic-congruent words.
Implicit Association Tests reveal an implicit association for male with science and math, and females with arts and language.