He added that "there might be a need for implementation guidance," particularly for small companies, after the rule was issued.
In 1998, a Peer Review Handbook was created as a single, centralized form of implementation guidance for Agency staff and managers.
In 2009, the Office of Personnel Management issued implementation guidance on the Isabella decision.
Regulatory text, technical information, compliance and enforcement information, implementation guidance for states, and related links are provided.
This includes providing implementation guidance to members.
Develop and issue CUI policy standards and implementation guidance.
The navigation specifications provide specific implementation guidance in order to facilitate global harmonisation.
Congress, however, insisted that the Pentagon maintain the office, arguing it was necessary to ensure appropriate senior-level policy oversight and implementation guidance within the DoD.
If properly marked as SSI, a document clearly warns an employee to follow regulatory requirements and implementation guidance regarding disclosure.
For each of the controls, implementation guidance is provided.