VisualAp provides a visual framework based on lightweight visual components (proclets) that implements specific tasks.
With this regard, the same mode of calcium encoding could be shared by different cells, providing synchronization or the functional basis to implement more complex computational tasks.
Typically, individual clients are programs that implement tasks used in behavioural research (e.g. psychology and neuroscience), such as tasks involving operant chambers.
Implementing tasks, such as setting up the University Representative Office and preparing academic facilities for operation, once the University Establishment License was officially granted.
The Managers and Assistant Managers supervise the Division Chiefs in implementing daily tasks handled by rank-and-file personnel.
Differing assessments of the war "mustn't erode the Russian people's respect for the soldiers who honestly fulfilled their duty in implementing tasks to combat international terrorism and religious extremists".
The goal behind this technology was to give users the ability to implement tasks that were traditionally addressed only with highly-scaled systems such as supercomputers.
In this perspective, the concept of core tasks for the Commission and implementing tasks for the national authorities is worth further consideration.
Why change a rule that allows for greater freedom of decision-making in operational planning and in implementing tasks?
These decisions are made by the European Council, which increases the funding available for implementing important individual tasks.