All children programs implement education.
Science of Living education system is an effort to implement value-based education and moral education.
Partnered with Rural Action, the festival strives to be zero waste by implementing recycling, composting, and education.
The government had difficulties trying to implement anti-religious education in schools, due to a shortage of atheist teachers.
Following the Second World War, many countries also began to implement universal health care and expanded education under the funding and guidance of the state.
It is the first city in the country to implement 9-year mandatory education.
When teachers implement problem-posing education in the classroom, they approach students as fellow dialoguers, which creates an atmosphere of hope, love, humility, and trust.
As ruler, Charles encouraged new agricultural trends, established a new police force, and implemented compulsory education.
Grains (yellow, 17 grains of rice) and cotton (green, white, 8 pieces) symbolize high appreciation to freedom, loyalty, prosperity, and justice in implementing national education.
And by implementing such new education we'll be able to form the proper mindset for us to rise above our self benefit and move towards global mutual cooperation.