Tiwanaku's power was further solidified through the trade it implemented among the cities within its empire.
Agreeing to a distribution of power at a conference center in Germany is one thing; it will be another to implement it among feudal clans.
Britain will in all likelihood be forced to implement some program of selective slaughter among its 11 million cattle.
During the reporting period, the government implemented systematic procedures for victim identification among vulnerable populations in Italy.
In 1985, Campbell's agreed to establish a commission to implement an anti-poverty program among its workers.
In database management theory, locking is used to implement isolation among multiple database users.
Since then, Ford has pushed the quality issue, implementing among other things its own system of checks throughout the assembly process.
The most direct way to achieve this is by educating young people and implementing sustainable waste handling among our social standards.
Moldova is actually the best example of implementing pro-European policies among our Eastern neighbours.
It implements collaborative lesson planning among teachers at all grade levels.