The figures of both Jordanes and Hydatius are implausibly high.
The amendment passed with 99.91 percent of the vote, an implausibly high total that led observers to condemn the vote as "obviously rigged."
In his other elections, he won by implausibly high margins; the opposition was lucky to get over 20 percent of the vote.
Many critics have dismissed those estimates as implausibly high, and say that the Japanese were already nearing their decision to submit when the bombs were dropped.
At an implausibly high decibel level, she made sure that everyone on the bus knew her weekend plans.
Official results showed the president receiving implausibly high support (in some cases, unanimous support).
Mr. Krauss states that only transmitters of implausibly high power could be heard across the voids of space.
The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.
The number of photos taken is implausibly high.
Implausibly high or low temperatures would then have close to zero probability values.