The implacable opponents of the past were now, due to a common necessity, moving towards establishing a harmony of interests.
He was however an implacable opponent of the establishment of a public library in the town.
An implacable opponent of showing off, he was a man of exceptional integrity.
Wartislaw X showed himself as an implacable opponent of the Hohenzollerns.
What means can be used to isolate the implacable opponent of such a change?
The conferences in Czechoslovakia, where he'd brought seemingly implacable opponents together.
I have to say that I am an implacable opponent to the death penalty!
Mr. Kasparov is clearly awed by the powers of his implacable opponent.
The cruel watchers turned against him, yelling for blood, urging on his implacable opponent.
But he did well enough among almost all kinds of people, except implacable opponents of abortion and voters younger than 30.