About fifteen of the sailors surrounded the Captain, looking with implacable hatred at the vessel nearing them.
She had developed an implacable hatred for Adolph's doctor.
Was there another lonely boy inside that comet, programmed with implacable hatred?
Given the implacable hatred of its enemies, Israel cannot afford to show weakness.
Nothing is more destructive of democratic institutions than implacable hatred between factions.
If she stressed the creatures' implacable hatred of Yilanè that was merely a fact.
The resentment gave way to the implacable hatred Tain had anticipated.
At the back of his mind Sitric could hear his mother's voice, icy with her implacable hatred.
And soon a new proof of his implacable hatred confirmed the tales of the poor princess.
The look she directed at Sadi, however, was filled with implacable hatred.