Meanwhile, in the Senate, John McCain - last seen rhetorically embracing President Bush at the Republican convention - reminded the White House that he remains, at least on this issue, an implacable critic.
(This core of seemingly implacable critics is a major reason that some of her advisers had serious doubts about her presidential prospects this year.)
Franz Endler, the implacable conservative critic of the Vienna Kurrier, ordained that "this production must not be allowed to continue."
These are the perfectly logical questions of the famous, petty and implacable inner critic.
The most famous opponent of the Japanese and their most implacable critic from the standpoint of conservative nationalism was Dr Syngman Rhee.
Chief Buthelezi, an implacable critic of the African National Congress, contended today that its campaign revealed weakness and not strength.
Mr. Markey, who with Representative Henry A. Waxman, Democrat of California, wrote the climate bill that passed the House last year, has been an implacable critic of the industry for decades.
Harold Weisberg, an implacable critic of the government's investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, died on Feb. 21 at his home in Frederick, Md.
Meurant remained in Parliament but was an implacable critic of Prime Minister Jim Bolger.
"The Jews don't need the monument," said Rita Koch, a Holocaust survivor and implacable critic of the project.