Look there, and wonder, impious young man, and admire these letters, the invention of the Scandinavian god!
It says: "Whatsoever impious man violates this sepulchre, may he die the last of his own people!"
I have escaped the Trojan toils, I have escaped the sea, and now I fall Under the cruel grasp of one impious man.
According to the historian Sebeos 'he proved to be an arrogant and impious man whose tongue was as sharp as a sword'.
"The impious man reaps what he sows," declaimed Robert.
One popular myth has it that they were Roman legionnaires turned to stone for persecuting a local saint, or impious men enchanted by one of Merlin's ilk.
He hoped the excuse * of having spent years overseas, in the company of rough, impious men, would get him by when he moved farther west.
In his defense-letter the priest belied Fr Rodriguez's accusation that Rizal was an "impious man, a heretic who hated religion and Spain."
The young woman crossed her arms, and, looking around her with an imperious air, cried: "Withdraw, in the name of the God of armies; withdraw, impious men!
When Elder Zosima was young, he had been a wild and impious man in the army.