Criminal mischief can be interpreted as a youthful reaction against the impersonal nature of society.
Both students and staff were critical of the impersonal nature of the tape-slide lectures.
What he got instead was bitter disappointment and an introduction to the often impersonal nature of the autograph business.
Marx stressed the apparently impersonal nature of this relation in capitalism.
The impersonal nature of searching online for hours can be emotionally draining.
The impersonal nature of the exchange led both camps to wonder what would happen if they had an encounter on the street.
The impersonal nature of hospital maternity care concerned Jackson.
The impersonal nature of the Internet is also a problem for some insurance buyers.
If it's the impersonal nature of the computer that bothers you, I'll ask you the questions myself.
She didn't know whether to luxuriate in the minute examination or squirm under its impersonal nature.