She lay quietly looking down at me with imperious eyes and her provocative smile.
No one in the street had ever seen the coachman before, a tall leathery fellow with long white mustaches and cold, imperious eyes, or the dark, hard-faced footman in a Taraboner' hat who jumped down nimbly to open the coach door.
She was certainly ugly, and yet, like the toad, she had eyes like jewels, dark and imperious, revealing latent energy and an intellectual force that could be felt at once.
She hesitates, fixes him with imperious eyes.
She came surging out from the shadow of the doorway, blue skirts billowing, imperious eyes smouldering.
He sat upright and fixed me with an imperious eye.
He was a vigorous man about fifty years of age, of military aspect, with grayish hair, and an imperious eye, as far as one could see through the clouds of tobacco smoke which escaped from his short pipe.
He wore no mask, his face open for all of them to see - thin and imperious with a narrow mouth, a skinny blade of a nose, dark brown eyes deeply set under bushy brows.
Magnan muttered under his breath, then paled as Thunderstroke fixed him with an imperious eye.
"Those of us from Lubovosk already have our visas," she had said, fixing Marianne with her cold, imperious eye in which that taint of mad laughter always hung like a pale moon over a cemetery.