These students were particularly upset over the imperialistic policies employed by the Kerala government and the globalization propaganda.
There are so many other things that need doing, putting over a national health service, instigating a voucher programme for education, curbing defence contractors, making our foreign policy less imperialistic.
Opponents of the statue decry McKinley's racist and imperialistic policies, while defenders support the statue's historical importance and characterize removal attempts as censorship.
In return for their seeing that these politicians were returned to office, the society was assured that this regime would follow a vigorously imperialistic foreign policy.
Most members eventually returned to the regular Democratic party in 1900 because they opposed McKinley's imperialistic foreign policy.
Right from the onset, King Osei Tutu and Priest Anokye followed an expansionist and an imperialistic provincial foreign policy.
This situation is the work of Moscow, the new imperialistic policy pursued by President Putin.
Can we stand any longer the imperialistic policy of Russia towards small nations like Chechnya?
From this, Alton Donelly concludes that Russia pursued an "imperialistic" policy in the newly-joined Bashkortostan and included a consistent infringement of the Bashkirs' interests.
Ayurbarwada continued his ancestors' imperialistic policies.