It was, in his words, the "weakest link in a chain of imperialist states".
Assimilation makes the colonies of each empire get closer to the imperialist state in the space of socio-political characteristics (optimization search space).
Three Worlds Theory: During the Cold War, two imperialist states formed the "first world"; the United States and the Soviet Union.
The second world consisted of the other imperialist states in their spheres of influence.
In imperialist states, some groups are usually more powerful and are seen as better than others.
The modern era has witnessed the covetousness of the imperialist states, at the head of them the American, NATO and Zionist forces.
Libyan radio attacked the sanctions, calling them "the continuation of a war by the imperialist states against other peoples and an attempt to force them to submit to hegemony."
He regarded it less as an expansionist, imperialist Marxist state, and more as a weak realist state in decline.
The period would generally weaken the imperialist European states, who would lose major assets throughout the New World.
Japan was not an imperialist state in a Leninist sense.