But he dismissed those who call the United States an imperialist power.
As an imperialist power its has caused mayhem in much of the developing world over the last century.
The leftists considered the war a conflict between "imperialist powers".
The claim that Russia is again becoming an imperialist power is exaggerated.
As an imperialist power, Rome takes its power in the ability to change the world.
"I refuse all my life my government making me denounce America as an imperialist power," she said.
Thus the call for an independent Poland was a demand for a new imperialist power.
"The United States has been an imperialist power and I have the right to say that," he said.
"It was probably the last time that the British would be able to mount such a production; they were losing their place as an imperialist power."
The imperialist powers refuse and are promoting the production of nuclear weapons for use in regular wars.