Three movements that historians have considered are: the coming of mass democracy, the age of imperialist expansion, and the impact of Nazism.
The second force defining the modern West has been the intensive and intense encounter with other cultures brought about by imperialist expansion.
Through the imperialist expansion by the west and the successive Colonization around the globe supposed universal "truths" began to diffuse across borders, space, and place.
Many of Japan's neighbors, victims of this country's imperialist expansion in the last century, remain firmly opposed to its rearmament.
Old d'Aguesseau was working at the time for his master and for France, which was right in the middle of imperialist expansion.
Or is, in this situation, the Israeli government still going to embark on aggressive imperialist expansion?
During the period of imperialist expansion, the term naichi (内地), or home territory, was used to distinguish Japan proper from its colonies.
"Burden" was published two years later, altered to fit the theme of the American imperialist expansion after the Spanish-American War.
This youth bulge, as explained by the theory of that name, in turn fueled imperialist expansion of the European empires.
Only a return to imperialist expansion could protect German industrial interests faced with political, economic and social crisis.