In 919, Yang Longyan, while refusing to claim imperial title, claimed the greater title of King of Wu and began to take on imperial trappings.
Both Xiao Yi and Xiao Ji began to take on imperial trappings and exercised imperial authorities, although neither claimed the throne at this point.
The Khitan rulers adopted many administrative elements from the Liao Dynasty, including the use of Confucian administration and imperial trappings.
"At the time," Mr. Ford wrote in his book "Humor and the Presidency," "the media and general public still resented any hint of 'imperial' trappings in connection with the presidency or the White House."
Ever since Congress bestirred itself and passed the War Powers Act of 1973 and other measures intended to strip the Presidency of its imperial trappings, it has continued to mount a close watch over executive actions.
But since Khusrau had decided to plant himself in Charax for the duration of the war, the building had assumed full imperial trappings.
The first Ming emperor was proclaimed in 1368 and a great deal of preparation was done prior to this to have an imperial city and all the imperial trappings ready.
But there is such contradiction all about this farm town, a sleepy place with imperial trappings that suggests a tableau from the magic realism fiction of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
David L. Castaldi, a member of the executive committee of Voice of the Faithful, said many Catholics hoped that their new leader shunned the imperial trappings.
Örzse arrives to take leave of Háry but he is true to her and his homeland, so despite all the imperial trappings they leave the court.