Russian noble, he was great chamberlain, chief operating officer of the imperial theatre from 1799 to 1819, Marshal of Nobility of Saint-Petersburg from 1718 to 1726.
According to archival discoveries in the late 20th century, Berezovsky was appointed a staff member of the imperial theatres and capellmeister of the Royal court capella eight months later.
In 1749, he became ambassador to the court in Vienna where he was appointed director of the imperial theatres in the city in 1754.
He studied at the Polytechnical Institute of Saint Petersburg and was for a time one of the resident actors of an imperial theater of this city.
In 1775 she moved to London because the director of imperial theaters in St. Petersburg was unwilling to pay what her future employers in London had promised.
The children who follow the original quartet are dressed like Russian ballet pupils, and Mr. Falconer has designed enough pillars to evoke an imperial theater.
In Valery Gergiev, the Mariinsky's dynamic director, St. Petersburg's old imperial theater has found a champion with the talent and savvy needed to clinch international attention.
The libretto to Armida was by Marco Coltellini the house poet for the imperial theaters.
The imperial and Soviet theater was the home of many great impresarios, conductors, and musicians.
Initially, this Seminar was taught at the Schönbrunner Schlosstheater, the imperial theatre in the Schönbrunn Palace.