In return, the Turkish government acknowledged French imperial sovereignty over French Mandate of Syria.
Japanese rightists want to restore imperial sovereignty over the Government and armed forces.
In a powerful plea, four presidents of Christian colleges warned that the ceremony would be seen "as a movement toward a return to imperial divine sovereignty" in Japan.
The terms of the treaty entailed Abd-el-Kader recognizing French imperial sovereignty in Africa.
Other texts observe that the Great Fires were also vehicles of propaganda and symbols of imperial sovereignty.
It is one of the most common charges on medieval heraldic shields, often denoting imperial sovereignty.
This treaty gave even more control of interior portions of Algeria to Abdelkader, with the recognition of France's right to imperial sovereignty.
Court ceremonials - from Constantinople - that proclaimed the imperial sovereignty and unity of the Visigothic state were introduced at Toledo.
In 1374 Limburg's imperial sovereignty also fell to Trier.
In exchange, Barisone agreed to annual payments of four thousand silver marks and to recognise imperial sovereignty over the island.