Verina still had her imperial rank and so could still crown another Augustus.
Mahmud II was impressed enough to consider giving Eckford a high imperial rank.
They were now reclining with the wedding party at the head table, befitting their imperial rank.
He had thus far refrained from bestowing imperial rank on his son, and was delighted that the Korean view should so accord with his own.
The Shiwa Emishi were a very powerful group and were able to attack smaller Emishi groups successfully as their leaders were promoted into imperial rank.
According to Malalas, Verina had to crown Basiliscus herself as the only person of imperial rank present within the capital.
However steeped in ceremony Videssos was, being born in the Red Room wasn't required for imperial rank.
He wondered how long these two leaders had known each other and what they had seen together, for their friendship to survive the challenge of Mavrikios' imperial rank.
The most famous were the Livii Drusi, who rose to imperial rank.
She was then able to wear the purple paludamentum representing imperial rank and was depicted in Roman currency.