Indeed, Laozi was officially deified by an emperor, and the connection between Taoism and imperial might was to remain an important one for many centuries.
During the days of the Lord Ruler, these buildings had stood as reminders of imperial might in every city across the Final Empire.
This gave the emperor the chance to invade the country and to enforce his imperial might.
These barbarians are cunning and uncivilised, they are like animals in the wild, and they still dare to defy our imperial might.
He explains that all societies experience a heroic age, an age of imperial might and an age of decline.
For the better part of a century, this city was the industrial and commercial engine of Britain's imperial might, a place as proud as it was powerful.
For now, hip-hop remains concerned with imperial might, with royalty and Rome.
It is like living in a film set - every view is of imperial might.
For years the Suez Canal was a symbol both of exotic convenience and of European imperial might.
True, the union has underlying strengths with which to offset America's imperial might.