Only an imperial consort who was successful in forging a golden statue could become the empress.
It is not known when she was selected as an imperial consort.
After her husband became emperor, Pingjun was initially created an imperial consort.
She was said to be extremely jealous, and few imperial consorts were able to have sexual relations with the emperor.
In 826, he created her Guifei - the highest possible rank for an imperial consort.
Empress Deng and all of the imperial consorts were sonless for a long time.
She became an imperial consort in 92 and quickly became a favorite of Emperor He.
Upon discussion with the imperial consorts, he learned that Wenxiu was merely a 12 year old girl.
The status, power and authority of being the imperial consort was reserved for Dilras only.
In 170, Lady Song was selected to be an imperial consort.