His work was rejected by the imperial censors, who apparently feared that it would create disharmony among Austria's Jewish subjects.
In addition, as the imperial censor, Bao avoided punishment despite having many other contemporary imperial censors punished for minor statements.
Emperor Wenzong ordered an investigation by the office of the imperial censors (御史台, Yushi Tai).
Later that year, the office of the imperial censors concluded that Xiao Hong's claim was fraudulent.
None of the chancellors or imperial censors was attending the meeting, and many other positions at the imperial gathering were also missing.
It was said that because Kong had integrity and hated wickedness, during his service at the office of the imperial censors, the office became more cleanly run.
Beyond the reach of the imperial censors, these publications were to play a significant part in the politics of the late 1850s.
He was arrested by the Jingzhao Municipality government, and the imperial censors subsequently submitted an indictment against him.
Song had ordered that individuals who had repeatedly appealed their cases without cause be detained by the imperial censors, until they were willing to drop their appeals.
At an imperial feast, Jia was supposed to get off his horse and bow to the imperial censors, but Jia refused to do so.