They chose this, as much as anyone with imperfect understanding can ever choose.
As you probably know," she begins, colouring slightly, "doctors have an imperfect understanding of the human body.
All too often, it seems that the coupling of an as yet imperfect scientific understanding to policy-making is tenuous (see Table 9.2).
The iterative conception has gradually become more accepted over time, despite an imperfect understanding of its historical origins.
I have an imperfect understanding of your mode of being, your human kind.
Evil is therefore only an imperfect understanding of the world.
In this world a great deal of the bitterness among us arises from an imperfect understanding of one another.
Silvan's feelings toward his mother were more complex, although he had but an imperfect understanding of them.
"Do we have the right, in our imperfect understanding of the great scheme of things, to destroy anything the gods created?"
Anselm thought that God did not feel emotions such as anger or love, but appeared to do so through our imperfect understanding.