Introspection has been a notoriously imperfect tool for those trying to see how our minds work.
One has only to study language to realize, in spite of its beauty and complexity, what an amazingly imperfect tool it is.
A vintage chart is at best an imperfect tool, a dim lantern along a dark road.
Consequently, to base sweeping social changes on imperfect predictive tools is unwise and contrary to mainstream scientific thinking.
"What it tells me is that we can slow down the spread of the virus with the very imperfect tools we have," Dr. Piot said.
At its best, the vintage chart is an imperfect tool.
The word as such is an imperfect tool though, because while it can reflect the exterior reality it always approximates.
At best, he thought, it was an imperfect tool through which a small band of powerful people could control a vast number of less powerful people.
These factors are helping them decide which women warrant close surveillance with imperfect tools.
Many doctors said that while mammography is an imperfect tool, it remains the best available.